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Simple Present Or Present Continuous

Тільки учні школи та зазначених класів мають доступ до курсу.

In today’s lesson you’ll learn the difference between the present simple tense (Iwork) and the present continuous tense (I’m working) as well as a number of“signal words” that are commonly used with each tense.

Лекція Лекцій (1)
Завдання Завдань (1)

Склад курсу

Частина 1. Simple Present Or Present Continuous

In today’s lesson you’ll learn the difference between the present simple tense (I work) and the present continuous tense (I’m working) as well as a number of “signal words” that are commonly used with each tense.

Лекція Лекцій (1)
Завдання Завдань (1)